Psychiatry Inflicting Diseases and/or Early Deaths on All Age Groups

How can you call it healthcare when you drug fetuses with antidepressants and nearly 20% of them can develop Chiari brain malformation, where the bottom of the child’s brain grows into the top of the spinal canal instead of in the skull, often causing difficulties for those affected? Antidepressants during pregnancy are also associated with increased risk of causing premature births, autism, speech and language disorders, skull deformations and birth defects such as club feet and cleft palate and increased risk of causing newborns Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension, meaning the newborn’s arteries to the lungs don’t open fully so the amount of oxygen to the baby’s body becomes limited, which can cause brain damage and even death. These risks are being taken in spite of the fact that antidepressants are usually about as effective in alleviating depression as exercise or placebo (pills that don’t really contain medicine). In other words, there are other solutions that don’t involve toxication of fetuses.

How can you call it health care when these newborns come into the world addicted to antidepressants and have to go through withdrawals? Ask someone who got off antidepressants. What was it like? Were they forced to get off the drug cold turkey? Did they get electrical, sort of zapping sensations in their brains? Should a newborn be made to go through withdrawals to start their new life after having his or her serotonin levels throughout their entire body’s nervous system, blood cells and digestive area unbalanced and all the other side effects they’ve been given? How much permanent damage has already been inflicted on them physically and how much trauma has been caused this child? Is the child now going to become a life-long client for more toxic psychiatric treatments?

How can you call it healthcare when you drug millions of children with ADHD stimulant drugs and the majority of them develop stunted body growth? Not to mention other side effects such as speeded heart rate, increased blood pressure, loss of appetite, insomnia, headaches, stomach discomfort, uncontrollable tics and twitches, reduced blood flow in the brain and possibly reduced brain size. Furthermore, many children and adults are now abusing and addicted to ADHD drugs and wrecking themselves physically and psychologically.

How can you call it healthcare when you drug hundreds of thousands of children for so-called ADHD and other assumed “mental disorders” with the drugs known as antipsychotics, knowing that these drugs have been shown to decrease brain tissue and markedly shorten the lives of patients? Not to mention cause weight gain and diabetes, inhibited bone formation, involuntary movements in the face and limbs, and other odd reactions like boys growing breasts; some lactating.

How can you call it healthcare when hundreds of thousands of children seized by Child Protective Services are put on antipsychotics and sometimes all of the above types of drugs at once and literally ruined by the treatments?

How can you call it healthcare when mental patients in America treated by our mental “health” system have been shown to die, on average, 25 years earlier than the general population, largely due to the constant prescribing of antipsychotic drugs and multiple drugs simultaneously? You could rightfully call it manslaughter.

How can you call it health care when millions of children and adults are put on antidepressants, and often find that they don’t really work and, worse still, thousands of them commit suicide and/or become violent because of the drugs? These drugs are also addictive, if for no other reason than the withdrawal effects are so awful when one tries to get off them. They can also cause numerous negative side effects such as nausea, weight gain, diabetes, high blood pressure, fatigue, drowsiness, insomnia, headaches, constipation, irritability, anxiety, loss of sex drive, erectile dysfunction, inability to orgasm, decreased blood clotting capability, involuntary muscle movements, dry mouth, etc. Their most horrendous side effects are the dangerous behaviors they often create (Go to

How can you call it health care when millions of American soldiers are put on combinations of psychiatric drugs, sometimes as many as a dozen drugs at once and they are committing suicide in record numbers, and the majority of them have never seen combat?

How can you call it healthcare when hundreds of thousands of citizens are turned into opioid addicts by our health system and the psych’s solution is to put them on replacement opioids which they push and which cause further addiction and high numbers of overdose deaths?

How can you call it health care when millions of elderly are put on antipsychotics and, as a result, the length of time they have to live is chopped nearly in half, to say nothing of the diminished quality of their lives once they are drugged? Is this a kind of manslaughter, assault, and battery? It’s profitable though for the nursing homes and funeral parlors.

How can you call all this drugging of our population healthcare, when the drugs are foreign substances to our bodies that are actually toxins?

How can you call it healthcare when psychiatric diagnoses are done by opinion with no scientific or medical testing? For instance, did you know that numerous studies have been conducted in different countries that show that the youngest children in classes are much more likely to be diagnosed and drugged for ADHD than the older kids in the same classes because the younger children’s behavior is less mature? One American study conducted at Michigan State University concluded this had happened with nearly a million American children. This is insurance and Medicaid fraud on gigantic scales raising everyone’s insurance costs. Such fraud is possible with psychiatric diagnoses because there are no scientific or medical ways to confirm them.

Calling psychiatric treatment “healthcare” is a misnomer. “Corrupted big business” is quite apt. “Poisoning and murder” may be even more apt, even though it may seem surprising.

It is a truism that most psychiatric treatments routinely cause diseases and very often early deaths. These effects are intrinsic to its treatments.

For more information about psychiatric stimulant, antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs Google:

C.L. Garrison is the author of Drugging Kids, Psychiatry’s Wholesale Drugging of Schoolchildren for ADHD, which is available on, both as a paperback and as a Kindle book.


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